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1. 尺寸
  • 尺寸:44公分(長)x 28公分(高)x18公分(深)
  • 重量:~2.8磅
  • 建議 15 磅或以下的寵物使用
2. 材料


3. 汽車安全說明

本產品經美國寵物安全中心認證,並獲得5 星撞擊測試評級 (重量不超過 15 磅的寵物)。為了確保最大的安全性,請在車輛後座把安全帶正確地扣在本產品上,並且把寵物袋的網布關上。


    Customer Review

    • Brandy loves your pet carrier so much! Usually he refuses to get into pet carrier and always barks when he is inside, but now he will run into your pet carrier whenever he sees i am holding it. More amazingly, he can stay stably inside your pet carrier even with the mesh-opened when i am having dinner at a restaurant. Thank you so much!

      Aric, daddy of a 13lbs Pomeranian, Brandy
    • I think your pet carrier really can offer a stress-free "home" for my cat. She looks more comfortable and quiet after we use your pet carrier. Also, she even chooses to sleep in your pet carrier at night instead of sleeping in her own cushion bed, I think she feels extra safe inside your pet carrier.

      Emily, mum of a 10lbs Tortoiseshell Cat
    • My dog is already 14 years old and i always need to bring him to clinics to have body check, but i don't feel safe taking him in car as he doesn't have protection at all. Thanks for solving my problem and providing a safe car trip with my dog. Your pet carrier is a meaningful product for protecting dogs in car.

      Steven, daddy of a 14 year-old Poodle
    • My dog is very sticky to me, so I often drive her to my office and other places. However, she always sits in my lap and needs a lot of my attention, it makes me nervous to drive with her. Your crash-tested pet carrier reduces my worries and the way to lock the seatbelt is quite user-friendly. Thank you!

      Vivien, mum of a 6lbs Yorkshire
    • I cannot say how much i love your pet carrier! It is so beautiful and every detail is well-built, It's like a high-fashion designer bag rather than a traditional pet carrier. Apart from the look, I especially like the "always mesh open design", it allows my dog to see the outside environment all the times and interact with different people and dogs easily.

      Charlie, mum of a 15lbs Shih Tzu
    1 5



    我們參考FMVSS 213的測試條件-對於兒童安全座椅,測試條件約為30mph(~50kmh)。我們使用的寵物模型是 15 磅。

    如果以 30 英里/小時的速度發生碰撞,寵物承受的力量可能高達其體重的 30 倍。例如,一隻 15 磅重的狗可能面臨 450 磅的碰撞力。當寵物在車內沒有得到適當的保護時,這會對它們造成很大的風險。

    請記住,通過 30 英里/小時的碰撞測試並不意味著我們只能確保您的寵物在該速度下的安全,它可能會更高。然而,通用的國際碰撞測試標準只允許這個特定的速度。

    純素皮革與 PU 皮革有何不同?

    純素皮革和 PU 皮革都被認為是傳統皮革的零殘忍替代品,為消費者提供了更道德的選擇。

    然而,純素皮革源自於鳳梨、玉米和竹子等天然植物來源,所有這些都是可生物降解的。這使其成為 PU 皮革的更環保替代品,PU 皮革通常使用不可生物降解的塑膠製造,並且在製造過程中需要使用更多化學品。


    打開包裝後,我們的寵物包即可輕鬆使用,無需擔心 PU 皮革通常具有的強烈氣味。



